Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spin Art

I saw some "spin art" a while back on Pinterest. One of those posts that has a million toddler crafts etc. So, since then,  I've seen different types of spin art all over the place, all of which looked fun and really easy. Easy is good, because Little Miss Ruthie gets distracted easily, so when we do crafts it's best to just get it over with!

 What you need:
paper or paper plates
salad spinner
dropper (optional)
water (we used a spray bottle)


Basic Instructions: cut your paper or paper plate to fit inside the salad spinner. You may want to tape it down to keep it secure. Drip multiple colors of paint onto the middle of the plate. The picture will look the best if you make sure to drop it right in the middle. It also helps a lot to use quite a lot of paint. Put on the lid and spin!

We did a little trial and error and came up with a way that worked great for us. We used Crayola washable paints. I ALWAYS use washable paint with my kids, because they ALWAYS manage to get it somewhere, even if they are covered up. This is why:
I let her paint, ran upstairs, came back to
this! But it all came off in the bath. Thank
you washable paint!
So, after giving it a try, our paint seemed a little too thick to really spin out well. So I sprayed the paper plate with water, and we used the dropper to drop globs of paint onto the paper. We also used the dropper to drop extra water over the paint, this seemed to help get it nice and runny. When we spun the salad spinner this time, we got some great results! Another tip: when I made my own, I actually spun the paint, then I dropped on more paint and spun it again. I liked it that way. I must admit, I was probably more excited about the finished product than Ruthie was, but she had a great time with the process, which is the important part!
The blue and red one was he first one we tried, before we
started using the water. As you can see, the paint was just
too thick, and it didn't move.


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